Friday, January 11, 2008

Too Sick to Ride?

I was thinking about doing a little introduction of me and my deal here, but nah. Too boring. I decided my first posting was going to be about a subject near and dear to my heart: The question of when you're too sick to ride. Every rider has had this happen at some point, where you're fine, totally fine, except (sniffle) for this little tickle you just can't (cough) shake.

That was me this morning. Staring at my bike, pondering that tickle.

Plus it was raining. And I don't mean rain in the sense of water coming down from the sky. It was DUMPING, and there was a fair amount of thunder and lightening to go along with it.

There was a poll once on What stops you from riding in the winter? Cold? Lack of traction? Lack of daylight? The last choice was "nothing stops me!" I remember, cause that was the one I checked. Like an idiot. Now it's like I have something to live up to.

Sniffle. Cough. Flash, boom.

It was 42 degrees, so I picked a long sleeve jersey, gore-tex-over-neoprene pants, windbreaker vest, helmet cover, and gloves. After the first few miles, I got most of the gunk out of my chest and I felt better. I figure if I actually start to die, I'll know it and I'll take a break. Until then, I ride.

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